Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 4

day four.

Our detox started on Monday. It is now Thursday.

Allow me to share what we have learned.

   1.) If it is 90 degrees out side and you work very strenuous jobs while fasting, you might want to take it easy. And maybe not fast completely.
2.) Some flavors are really really horrible together, like, Kale-Lime-Ginger. YUCKY.
3.) Drink a lot of water. a LOT.

My husband has since lost 10 lbs! 


I've lost maybe about 3. But its also that time of the month, so I can't really tell because I'm a little bloated even with drinking tons and tons of water. 

But, my skin which is usually really upset around this time of the month is clearing up rapidly and  there are no visible new breakouts! Yay! So I consider that a real win.

Now, we started out with every good intention of juicing completely but we both work crazy fast paced jobs in the heat which by the end of the first day, we both felt pretty awful. So we decided to eat 1 meal a day, mostly vegan or vegetarian. Raw if possible. I have to say that was a great idea, because my sweet husband was very willing to try this detox and he doesn't even eat salads!
We eat pretty healthy anyways, lots of chicken and low fat beef, whole grains etc. but we do have our weaknesses...caffeine, diet soda, ice cream, pizza and cheese. So I'm very proud of my Jamie for sticking to this, even more than me. I think the ability to see how the pure health of juicing is affecting him and giving  him the desire to keep it up. I'm really proud of us for sticking to it this long!

I can sleep through the night again, I haven't done that in about 6 weeks because of previous tooth pain before I got my wisdom teeth out. I still feel pretty draggy in the morning because of no coffee, maybe its mental? Maybe its a real need? I don't know, but I'm going to try to hold off from consuming major amounts once this detox is over because I've seen such a difference in my skin. I keep reading caffeine and dairy can really affect your skin, so I'd like to carry through with that. 

I've found some really great blogs (funny) about juicing that totally commiserate with what we're going through  and also a 

           FANTASTIC blog for vegan, dairy free, egg free and gluten free recipes! You can find it here----> yummyness.  I don't even know how I stumbled across it but I found this little gem that I'm going to make as a reward for my sweet man's 17+ hours of work yesterday and 12+ hours of work today. Its fried but I'm going to try and bake it. 

Cauliflower---as----CRISPY ORANGE CHICKEN----vegan Chinese. What??? Crazy. It looks delicious! 
 Here's the link to it Crispy Orange Cauliflower 

I will definitely be posting a review of this little baby, It looks sooooooo tasty!

Drink the rainbow.